Minor Ailments Service and Medical Advisory & Support Services – Minor Ailments: Abdominal cramps, Allergic skin rash, Athlete’s foot, Backache, Cough, Earache, Fever etc.

What is FeelBetterFast?

FeelBetterFast is a digital voucher service for minor ailments which utilizes pharmacy-based healthcare professionals to provide a quick and accessible treatment option for the management of many minor health conditions. The FeelBetterFast product is delivered through an innovative vouchering system which can be redeemed by students at one of our network pharmacies.

Treatment & Medicine Formulary:

The service is based on the Standard Treatment Guidelines (STG) and the Essential Medicine List (EML), which ties the ailment to an evidence-based medicine choice, e.g.

Minor Ailment

Abdominal Cramps/Stomach cramps

Product Available

Hyoscine butylbromide, oral, 10mg 6 hourly for a maximum of 3 days

Supporting info

Symptomatic treatment if no cause/indication for referral if found.

FLU Vaccination and access to Vitamin Kit

Cold and Flu medicines for symptomatic relief Flu Vaccination Service (preventative measure) Vitamin Kit (immunity support)

Health Check: Blood pressure, Glucose, Cholesterol, Smoking status and Weight.

How does FeelBetterFast work?
Other Medical Support Services include:

24-hour Medical Advice Line including – Symptom assessment, Covid19, Corona virus advice, Maternity, Childcare and parent advice Trauma, Assault and bereavement telephonic counseling, Trauma, Assault and bereavement face to face counselling, HIV/Aids information and support, Chronic diseases advice and support.

Emergency Medical Services and advice in 11 Official languages.